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Project Summary

Grassroots Economics, established in 2010 in Kenya, is a non-profit foundation dedicated to empowering marginalized communities of the world to build their own sustainable local economies, now spreading to other parts of Africa and other countries like the US and Colombia.

Utilizing a set of economic and technological practices like Community Inclusion Currencies, Community Asset Vouchers and Food Forests, they facilitate exchanges of goods and services and incubate local projects and businesses, aiming at making them independent of scarce national currencies and volatile markets.

Their vision is focused on enabling communities to develop their own prospering economies with the stability of their own currencies, fostering economic self-sufficiency and resilience, and to connect these local economies among each other through mutual credit networks in the perspective of the Collaborative Finance movement.

Why is it on CER?

Grassroots Economics is on CER as it’s one of the most relevant and promising projects at the intersection of community currencies, blockchain, and holistic local regeneration, with a long experience of over a decade and an always evolving organizational and technological configuration.

So far their impact has been limited in comparison to what is needed to make these tools a widespread reality worldwide—bringing these practices to millions of communities—but we are confident Grassroots Economics is one of the entities working in the best way to do it and it looks like a meaningful network effect is finally happening. Their wealth of open knowledge and tools is getting adopted at a faster and faster pace, in collaboration with other important projects and infrastructures you can also find in CER like Mutual Credit Services and Celo .

Knowledge Elements
