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Project Summary

Mutual Credit Services, founded in 2020, is a small cooperative group of experts dedicated to building a global Credit Commons infrastructure; this means moving beyond the use of fiat money, allowing networks and communities to issue credit and govern their own economies, as advocated by an emerging movement called Collaborative Finance which they are an active part of.

The project provides software tools and accounting mechanisms as a service which are meant to improve entities’ financial management through credit-based practices, promoting resilience and autonomy, and it’s the main steward of the Credit Commons Protocol, a shared ledger through which participants can perform mutual credit accounting; Mutual Credit Services’ commercial strategy is to become a decentralised social franchise of service providers to a large number of networks that have adopted this protocol.

Why is it on CER?

Mutual Credit Services is on CER because it includes some of the most passionate and experienced alternative economy experts we've known; they have been working for decades to advance the Credit money paradigm, which we believe is critical to empowering the conditions of the Commons worldwide, both on the community and infrastructure levels.

They characterize themselves as addressing the "meso-layer" of local economic activity, the area between a single organization and the larger economy, which we think is a critical and often ignored site of action for the propagation of innovative economic processes and thus systemic change. We believe the Credit Commons Protocol has the potential to become one of the core operational systems for the global distributed economy, and it’s already being used in real business networks today.

Knowledge Elements
