In this interview, Joshua Dávila, host of The Blockchain Socialist Podcast talks with Giulio Quarta from the Crypto Commons Association and Commons Economy Roadmap*, and Christopher Goes, co-founder of* Anoma*. They dive into the intriguing world of Anoma, a project that wants to redefine how we perceive and use money by leveraging an intent-centric architecture.*

Christopher Goes shares his insights on money as a system of credit, the limitations of the current monetary system, and how Anoma can help bridge these gaps. They also discuss the concept of Collaborative Finance, discussing a future where individuals can navigate the financial world in a more equitable and efficient manner, while touching on the sociopolitical implications of a technology such as Anoma.

This interview is brought to you by Commons Economy Roadmap, Anoma and The Blockchain Socialist Podcast. It is also available in podcast version The Blockchain Socialist Podcast website.

CER TBS Anoma logos.png

This transcription was automatically generated and manually abridged to facilitate the reading experience. Enjoy!

<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_lightgray.svg" width="40px" /> TBS*:* The Blockchain Socialist, Joshua Dávila.

GQ: Giulio Quarta, from CCA and CER.

CG: Christopher Goes, from Anoma.

In [brackets] edits and notes made by the editor.


<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_lightgray.svg" width="40px" />

Table of Contents



Joshua Dávila, The Blockchain Socialist: Hi everyone! You're listening to The Blockchain Socialist Podcast. I am here at Offline, which is a very neat space in Berlin. I highly recommend people check it out, if you're in the area they have really great events. We are here because of my comrade Giulio from the Crypto Commons Association, who has been working on a project called the Commons Economy Roadmap, which he'll explain to us, and together we're going to speak to Chris Goes, who is the co-founder of Anoma.

So maybe to start off I'll let Giulio explain a bit and introduce the Commons Economy Roadmap, and how this all relates to all the neat stuff that is going on at Anoma.

Giulio Quarta: Yeah. Thank you, Josh. Excited to do an episode together, finally, after three years of events and knowing each other. First of all I want to mention that the Crypto Commons Association is a member of the **Breadchain Cooperative.**

So yeah, the Commons Economy Roadmap, briefly, is a research and promotion project. We selected 20 projects that we considered the most interesting and relevant and commons-oriented of the alternative economics space, but not only blockchains, and we are generating basic knowledge on them. We call them project cards and you can look at them in our website, and then extra materials like articles and interviews like this.

This is the first podcast interview with a media partner, which is The Blockchain Socialist. Anoma is one of the 20 projects, thank you for contributing to this first iteration. In this episode, we will dive deep into Anoma, try to understand it better.

The 20 projects featured in CER’s first iteration.

The 20 projects featured in CER’s first iteration.

TBS: So maybe Chris, if you want to just introduce a bit of yourself and what Anoma is. Then we'll start digging into a lot of the really interesting and crazy technical innovations you guys are working on and what the socio-political implications are.